Monday, February 19, 2007

Did January Seem Warm to You?

We all remember December. A 'Green Christmas' was on everyone's lips, and you could argue that the unseasonably warm weather we experienced before holidays was part of the reason that the environment and global warming has 'suddenly' become a major concern to the public.

But didn't all that warm weather suddenly end in January? Didn't we have a return to seasonal temperatures? Didn't temperatures actually go below the seasonal averages?

Perhaps locally it did, but gobally, last January was the warmest on record! This map shows that the greatest temperature anomalies occured mostly in Asia, which contributed to the above average global temperature.

Does this mean global warming is a fact? Perhaps there are other reasons for this warming trend? Read the article in the above link, and post your opinion on global warming. Also, what is the NOAA? And what is this 'Goldilocks Effect'?

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