Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Environmental News

Need a good website to find the latest environment and resource related news? The Environmental News Network (er, sorry, its the new Environmental News Network now) posts daily on stories from around the world on environment related topics. It even has a e-newsletter you can subscribe to, and organizes stories into 'channels' based on subject i.e. 'Animals & Ecosystems' or 'Energy & Natural Resources'. This website is an excellent resource for secondary sources when doing research.

One of today's stories for example is how Australia is now switching to a system that no longer allows incandescent light bulbs. The only light bulbs available for people to buy will be compact fluorescent light bulbs. This is an interesting move; Australia's environment minister Malcolm Turnbull states that this should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 800,000 tonnes by 2012. Despite this, Australia still shows no interest in signing up for the Kyoto protocol.

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