Thursday, February 8, 2007

Incentives? Where??

We’ve discussed this week the idea that in order to get people to change their lifestyles, they need to be ‘motivated’ using incentives or disincentives. So what incentives does our government currently offer us?

There are quite a few, actually! But the problem is that few people know about them. However, if you go to the following website:, you can search through a database of all the current programs offered by the government of Ontario designed to help Canadians use more renewable sources, or less non-renewable sources.

1. Search the database for incentives and rebates currently offered in Ontario.

2. Pick 4 incentives that you think are particularly effective.

3. Summarize each program in a blog entry.

4. Explain what you like about each incentive, and what you think is particularly effective about them.

5. Be sure to include links to, as well as to the incentives you chose so people who read your blog can find them for more information!

In addition, check out this article on how reducing consumption, and going green is starting to become 'trendy'!

Mr. Holmes

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