Thursday, March 8, 2007

Canadian Carbon Tax

Another tax!?!? Awwwwwwww... :(

Ok, hilarity aside, Canada has been tossing around the idea of a 'Carbon Tax' in the House of Commons, lately. But the Conservatives, and their minister of the environment, the Hon. John Baird are certainly making it clear that they do NOT support a carbon tax! David McGuinty (yes, THAT McGuinty... he's the brother of Ontario premiere Dalton McGuinty) exchanged some words with Mr. Baird, to which he responded:

"We don't sit around the cabinet dreaming up ways to increase taxes," Baird said, taking a shot at McGuinty's brother, Dalton, who is premier of Ontario. "That's certainly more common in the McGuinty family than the Harper cabinet."

Despite what the politicians say, the economists are now weighing on this issue. The Globe and Mail reports that Don Drummond, chief economist of Toronto-Dominion Bank, has released a report that states he believes a well-designed carbon tax is the answer to Canada's pollution woes. But he doesn't just think that a tax should be thrown out there as a disincentive tactic. He states that it should be "revenue neutral", and would shift tax to other areas, rather than just being another money grab by the government.

So what do you think? Is it a good idea? In your blog, make a post that summarizes your opinion of a carbon tax here in Canada and why you think it is a good, or bad idea. Be sure to support your opinion with at least 3 links to other websites!

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