Friday, March 30, 2007

What can YOU do?

So, we've spent this unit discussing the atmosphere as a resource, and some of the problems associated with our use of it as a dumping ground for our various activities.

The Kyoto protocol is an international agreement towards reducing GHG emissions, but the point was made during the debate that each country's goals are just that: GOALS. Kyoto leaves it up to each country the process by which they meet their goals, whether through actual reduction of GHGs, or through the purchase of emission credits.

But what can WE do? How can we as individuals make an impact on GHG emissions? Although we are each responsible on average for emitting only about 5 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year, can't we reduce this at all?

Research as many ways as possible people can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by modifying their personal lives. Consider not just your own actions, but the actions of people around you... your friends, relatives, co-workers, and so on.

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