Friday, March 23, 2007

Your Footprint

"Out of sight, out of mind" goes the old saying, and we know that it is largely true. Of course, we have friendly reminders, like grandparents who remind you that there are children starving in Ethiopia, so clean your plate young man!

On a grander scale, though, the old adage still holds true. Cities can take up a lot of space, and you can fit a lot of people in them, but the ecological impact of all those people is hardly limited to the geographical boundaries of that city.

Even your own household. What must we think when we are kids and we throw garbage away? Where does it go? For all intents and purposes, once the garbage bag is tossed in the garbage truck and whisked away, it has blinked out of existence altogether. But of course that's not true, and the same goes for the resources we intake, and the wastes we pour out.

The idea of an 'Ecological Footprint' is to try and remember that our households affects the environment far beyond everyday experience.

Go to, and find out what your ecological footprint is. Then, head over to this website to find out your lifestyle footprint. In your blog, post the results of your footprints so everyone can check it out, and suggest some ways that you might be able to reduce your footprint.

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