Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ozone Hole Causes Global Warming!?

Waaaaay back in August, 2006 (ok, it wasn't that long ago, but sometimes it seems like a long time ago), David Suzuki himself wrote an article that you can find on enn.com, or you can just click here.

In the article, David (I like to think that if I met Mr. Suzuki, we could be on a first name basis) waxes philosophic on the purpose of focus groups, and in particular, one focus group that investigates how well the public understands global warming and climate change.

So how well do you know climate change? Is your understanding on par, above, or below the average joe? Check it out!
p.s. this is not for a blog entry, but for your own interest.
p.p.s No, Emerson, I'm not going to use the Suzuki picture you'd like me to use.

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